Rust can make your system Hack-proof by memory safety

Rust is very new programming language that created for secured and quality code...
But it's benifit don't stop here... it adds abstractions with very little to no performance hit.

Traditionally we used C/C++ for building some crucial software like kernel, device drivers, iot embeded system, games, and, countless other very important projects.

Where these traditional languages let programmer take care of code security in the name of giving full control, but programmers are careless, they can't code perfectly.

Here Rust shines, it's compiler eliminates many type of vulnerabilities in compiling process and gurantees memory-safety amd thread-safety

But if some bugs remain unnoticed then then don't worry as it also add a security layer at runtime...

Well it can't make your code bullet proof but traditional binary exploitation methods like memory corruption and integer overflow, etc are nearly impossible to perform any malicious thing.

But main problem with people is they falsely assume safety... 
it's true that it's compiler can eliminate alot of memory bugs and gurantees memory safety, but there are other type of bugs where it can't do anything like hardware vulnerabilities, misconfiguration etc.
Also it can't replace c/c++ entirely.


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