Programming languages required for Hacking

Many people find it very confusing to choose which programming language to learn for Hacking,
Always remember "you can't hack the system that you don't know how it's built"...

But it's not that confusing if you understand what ethical hacking actually is...
Means if you wanna find vulnerabilities in a target system, first you have to understand how it's built or working,
for that you should know the language in which it's coded, Otherwise you won't be succeed.

Like if you only know C/C++ and Assembly then you can't hack a webapps. And also if you only know PHP or JavaScript then you can't hack kernel or application.

My recommendation is learn atleast one scripting language like Python3 or perl or Bash... but don't stop here because they only help you in scripting not in finding vulnerabilities.

So here is my recommendation...

  • For system or application software hacking "C/C++, ASM (x86-64 and ARM), python3, (java is plus point but not necessary)"
  • For web hacking "html, css, JavaScript, php, and networking concepts, python3.
  • For malware research "C/C++ and ASM"

C And Assembly is must.. learn x86-64 and ARM Assembly.

Here is the reference video in case you wanna know more about it.


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