
Is it really that easy to hack iphone 13?

Recently we were witness of hacking the iphone 13 running ios 15 fully updated at tianfu hacking contest (china). The Chinese version of the Pwn2own  hacking competition called Tianfu Cup took place from 16 to 17 oct. 2021 in Chengdu, China. Windows 10, ios 15, Ubuntu, Chrome and many apps or system's security were broken at that contest. One of exploits demonstrated got attention alot, it was  0 click Remote code execution exploit against fully patched iphone. And it was narrated by media as anyone can hack your iphone within 15 seconds which is bad thing. First of all: An actual devlopment of exploit script from finding a loophole to creatively bypassing all mitigation. It definitely took months of hard work from reading binaries to thinking out of the box. And don't forget that they were lucky to find any loophole in security otherwise they couldn't even start. And all that they showed was the execution of that exploit script executing their creative plan that hacked iph

Rust can make your system Hack-proof by memory safety

Rust is very new programming language that created for secured and quality code... But it's benifit don't stop here... it adds abstractions with very little to no performance hit. Traditionally we used C/C++ for building some crucial software like kernel, device drivers, iot embeded system, games, and, countless other very important projects. Where these traditional languages let programmer take care of code security in the name of giving full control, but programmers are careless, they can't code perfectly. Here Rust shines, it's compiler eliminates many type of vulnerabilities in compiling process and gurantees memory-safety amd thread-safety But if some bugs remain unnoticed then then don't worry as it also add a security layer at runtime... Well it can't make your code bullet proof but traditional binary exploitation methods like memory corruption and integer overflow, etc are nearly impossible to perform any malicious thing. But main problem with people is

Programming languages required for Hacking

Many people find it very confusing to choose which programming language to learn for Hacking, Always remember "you can't hack the system that you don't know how it's built"... But it's not that confusing if you understand what ethical hacking actually is... Means if you wanna find vulnerabilities in a target system, first you have to understand how it's built or working, for that you should know the language in which it's coded, Otherwise you won't be succeed. Like if you only know C/C++ and Assembly then you can't hack a webapps. And also if you only know PHP or JavaScript then you can't hack kernel or application. My recommendation is learn atleast one scripting language like Python3 or perl or Bash... but don't stop here because they only help you in scripting not in finding vulnerabilities. So here is my recommendation... For system or application software hacking "C/C++, ASM (x86-64 and ARM), python3, (java is plus point but n

Iot devices are easy to hack and here is why...

Today we are living in internet age and many things are already connected and many are waiting to be... Market is flooded with cheap iot devices like smart speaker smart watches etc. Yes they are very portable and useful but as we know " great power comes with great responsibility " And it's the manufacturer whose responsibility is to make sure that their product is secure enough but here is the things get worse... Companies are competing with each-other to launch so many smart devices at affordable prices And make them susceptible to bugs, because now their engineering department work on multiple projects, and it leads to human error, in the worst scenario their product may have vulnerabilities. Hackers love vulnerabilities, and on the top of that those devices often doesn't come with a fast processor so forget about Encryption... Those iot device's os coded in C/C++ or ASM language which are extremely efficient but they let the code security responsibility to de